Top 5 Zack Snyder Films As Rated On Rotten Tomatoes

Zack Snyder is a renowned director known for his visually stunning and action-packed films. He burst onto the scene in 2004 with his remake of Dawn Of The Dead and then gained widespread recognition for his work on the 2006 film 300, which showcased his distinctive visual style and flair for epic storytelling. Snyder further cemented his status with the 2009 superhero film Watchmen, which demonstrated his ability to bring complex graphic novels to life on the big screen. In 2013, he delved into the superhero genre once again with Man Of Steel, a reboot of the Superman film series that launched the DCEU. Falling out of favour with Warner Brothers after the critical mauling of Batman Vs. Superman, he parted ways with the studio during the production of Justice League but after years of fan campaigns he would finally see the the infamous Snyder Cut released in 2021. Snyder has now made his home at Netflix, who backed Army Of The Dead and have just released Rebel Moon Part One.

Here are the top five Zack Snyder films as rated by Rotten Tomatoes.


5. 300 (2006) 61% Fresh


4. Watchmen (2009) 65% Fresh


3. Army Of The Dead (2021) 67% Fresh


2. Zack Snyder’s Justice League (2021) 72% Fresh


1. Dawn Of The Dead (2004) 76% Certified Fresh


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