Godzilla Minus One/C – Official Trailer


Toho has released a trailer for Godzilla Minus One/C, a black and white re-release of their hit kaiju film.

The black and white version will be released on 12th January across Japan. According to director Takashi Yamazaki this new version has been planned for so time.

The team did not just make the film monochrome, but coordinated it shot-by-shot, making full use of various mats (grayscale images used to specify only the necessary area in each material when compositing multiple image materials), as if they were creating a new film.

The goal was to create an image tone as if taken by the masters of black-and-white photography. I asked them to unearth as much skin texture and landscape detail as possible, which were latent in the captured data.

Then, Godzilla appeared, as terrifying and horrifying as in a documentary. A new sense of reality that looms over you by losing colors. Please come to the theater and live and resist the further horror.

Takashi Yamazaki via Crunchyroll

Godzilla Minus One has become the highest grossing live action Japanese film in both North America and the UK.

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