The Bad Boys Films Ranked (2024 Edition)


Bad Boys is an action-packed film series that follows the exhilarating adventures of two Miami narcotics detectives, Mike Lowrey and Marcus Burnett, played by Will Smith and Martin Lawrence respectively. The franchise combines explosive action, witty humor, and dynamic chemistry between the leading duo. The first installment, released in 1995, introduces audiences to the charismatic and reckless detectives and their efforts to take down a drug lord. It was the debut feature from Michael Bay, the first serious graduate from the Tony Scott school of filmmaking, and made Will Smith a genuine action star. The sequel, Bad Boys II, raises the stakes with high-octane pursuits and elaborate action sequences, and with a greatly increased budget, Bay went for a more epic feel. The result, though visually impressive, felt bloated.

The third film in the franchise, Bad Boys For Life, released in 2020, rejuvenates the series by bringing in directors Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah . The movie tapped into nostalgia for the original films while introducing new elements, maintaining the balance between intense action and light-hearted banter. Due to the pandemic, the film ended up being the highest grossing film of the year. Adil and Bilall returned for the fourth film, Bad Boys: Ride Or Die, which is out now.

Here are our rankings for the films in the Bad Boys series.


4. Bad Boys II (2003)


3. Bad Boys For Life (2020)


2. Bad Boys: Ride Or Die (2024)


1. Bad Boys (1995)

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